How to use Coptrol to kill Algae in Nurseries and Gardens


Irrigation systems supplied from dams or ponds are often affected by filamentous algae, especially during warmer months. Filamentous algae are easily identified by its stringy structure and is associated with blocking foot valves in dams and clogging drip irrigation systems.
COPTROL is a highly effective and proven method for eliminating filamentous and other forms of algae.


Domestic and public gardens often contain water features including ponds and fountains. These features are generally relatively shallow with significant surface areas and are exposed to nutrients from the gardens surrounding them. Particularly in summer months these systems can be subject to significant algal growth.
If algae is a problem in your nursery or garden or in your water source follow this 5 step method to keep your waters clear and bright.

1.  First identify the algae present. Please use our guide here for more information. This page explains common algae within Australia.

2.  Now calculate the volume of water to treat. Ignore depths below 1 metre. Please refer to our “Quantities” page to calculate the amount of water to treat.

3. Next calculate the amount of Coptrol needed. An easy way to calculate is:

• If the algae is fine and free floating use 2 mL of Coptrol per 1000 Litres (1 cubic metre) of water. That is equivalent to 2 Litres of Coptrol per 1000 square metres of surface area.

• If the algae is long and stringy use 5 mL per 1000 litres of water (1 cubic metre) or 5 Litres per 1000 square metres of surface area.

4. Dilute the required amount of Coptrol using a 1:10 or even a 1:20 Coptrol water dilution.

5. The best application method is by spraying. Apply on a sunlit wind free day when algae first appear. If this is impractical, please refer to our Application” page on how to apply Coptrol.